Grosmont NYMR Visit – 28th August 2018

On the 28th of August 2018 I made an impromptu follow-up visit to Grosmont with my Fuji F550EXR.

I wasn’t originally planning on going there, but I’d picked up a few items in town while I was down there for a “picnic” to sit outside somewhere to eat, and as all my usual spots to sit and eat in Whitby were packed with tourists I decided to pop down to Grosmont with it.

While there I took the opportunity to try grab some footage to create some content, and slightly over a year later, I’ve finally got round to editing and uploading it into a video.

NYMR Grosmont Visit – 2nd August 2018

It took me much longer than originally planned to edit it – 364 days 17hours 21minutes since I took the first still image of the trip through to when the finished video clip was done rendering and ready to upload, to be precise – but I finally did it.

On Thursday 2nd August 2018 I popped round to Grosmont in my car to have a quick play with my camera. I originally only planned to stay a short while once I got there at 1:47pm (that’s if the clock on my camera was right), but ended up staying until 3:20pm instead.

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